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HomePrivacy Policy
We are totally committed to protecting your privacy. Any information we collect about you is done so in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 . We may collect information about you for 2 reasons: firstly, to respond to a request or as part of our Cottage Booking Terms and Conditions and secondly, to provide you with the best possible service. 
This may include emailing you with our newsletter from time to time which will inform you on our latest articles and special offers.

If you did not wish to remain on our mailing list then you can follow one of the unsubscribe link from the newsletter and we will not send you any further information. We do not pass your information onto any other organisations whatsoever.
The type of information we may collect about you includes, your name, address, phone number and email address.
We will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent. 
We do not hold or save any finicial data such as credit/debit card details or indeed any bank account details.
The information we do hold will be accurate and up to date. You can check the information that we hold about you by emailing us. If you find any inaccuracies we will correct it promptly. The personal information which we hold will be held securely in accordance with our internal security policy and the Web Trader Code. If we intend to transfer your information outside the EEA (European Economic Area) we will always obtain your consent first. We may use technology to track the patterns of behaviour of visitors to our site. This can include using a "cookie" which would be stored on your browser. You can usually modify your browser to prevent this happening. The information collected in this way can be used to identify you unless you modify your browser settings. If you have any questions/comments about privacy, you should contact Old Rectory Cottages Ltd.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a simple text file that is stored on your computer or mobile device by a website's server and only that server will be able to retrieve or read the contents of that cookie. Each cookie is unique to your web browser. It will contain some anonymous information such as a unique identifier and the site name and some digits and numbers. It allows a website to remember things like your preferences or what's in your shopping basket.

What cookies are used on this website?

PHPSESSIDThis is a session cookie used to preserve data across subsequent accesses. It is a temporary cookie that remains in the cookie file of your browser until you close the browser. It is mainly used to maintain your identity.

Google Analytics
This is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics sets a cookie in order to evaluate your use and compile meaningful site traffic reports. Read more here: http://code.google.com/apis/analytics/docs/concepts/gaConceptsCookies.html

Add This
If you use one of the ‘Share’ buttons, an anonymous cookie may be set by addthis.com to help you to easily bookmark/share selected pages through a number of popular social networks. Read more here: http://www.addthis.com/privacy

How to enable and disable cookies using your browser?

Google Chrome
Click on the ‘wrench’ icon on the browser (usually found top-right corner) to open the tools menu
From the tools menu select ‘Options’
Click the ‘Under the Hood’ tab from the menu on the left.
In the ‘Privacy’ section, select the ‘Content settings’ button
To enable cookies: select ‘Allow local data to be set’ option
To disable cookies: select ‘Block all cookies’ option
Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Chrome. For more information on other cookie settings offered in Chrome, refer to the following page from Google: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=95647

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0
Click on 'Tools' at the top of your browser window and select 'Internet Options'
In the options window navigate to the 'Privacy' tab
To enable cookies: Set the slider to ‘Medium’ or below
To disable cookies: Move the slider to the top to block all cookies
Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Explorer. For more information on other cookie settings offered in Internet Explorer, refer to the following page from Microsoft: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-GB/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies

Mozilla Firefox
Click on 'Tools' at the browser menu and select ‘Options’
Select the Privacy panel
To enable cookies: Check ‘Accept cookies for sites’
To disable cookies: Uncheck at ‘Accept cookies for sites’ 
Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Firefox. For more information, refer to the following page from Mozilla: http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Enabling%20and%20disabling%20cookies

Click on 'Setting’ at the browser menu and select 'Settings'
Select ‘Quick Preferences’
To enable cookies: check “Enable Cookies”
To disable cookies: uncheck “Enable Cookies”
Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Opera. For more information on other cookie settings offered in Opera, refer to the following page from Opera Software: http://www.opera.com/browser/tutorials/security/privacy/

Safari on OSX
Click on 'Safari'  at the menu bar and select the 'Preferences' option
Click on 'Security'
To enable cookies: In the 'Accept cookies' section select 'Only from site you navigate to'
To disable cookies: In the ‘Accept cookies’ section select ‘Never’
Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Safari. For more information on other cookie settings offered in Safari, refer to the following page from Apple:  http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=Safari/3.0/en/9277.html

All other browsers
Please look for a “help” function in the browser or contact the browser provider. You can also find more information on following page :